Audi S4 GTO

Audi Sport South Africa had for some time raced rather successfully the 200 Trans Ams, but wanted to go ahead in a newer weapon of choice. Their contender is what became the Audi S4 GTO.
The 90 IMSA GTO would be the natural successor to the Trans Ams raced in South Africa, but would not be allowed due no 90 being marketed in their local market. Seeing it was in the early 90s, their solution was quite clear: Audi Sport ZA took upon themselves to build two new racers, after being loaned a 90 GTO as construction example. This meant the racers were technically heavily based on the 90 GTO, but in the silhouette of the Audi S4 – a car that was on offer in the local market.
It is a bit thin on the technical aspect of this latest GTO, but I have gotten a comment that the cars were actually further developed and enhanced especially in the aerodynamic aspect, compared to the 90 GTOs. Bigger wents are seen near the read side windows, and a lot more ground force was engineered for this racer.