Pininfarina Quartz

The Pininfarina Quartz is a very early spin off from the Audi Quattro. Seen at it’s launch in Geneva 1980, Pininfarina requested – and got – one of the 11 pre-production models (alike the Stamm-Quattro) for their project.
Marketed as ‘Pininfarina Quartz, by Audi Quattro‘, it retains the main frame, running gear and 6J Ronal’s of the original car. For Pininfarina it became a test bed of exclusive and light-weight materials, ready for their own reveal at the 1981 Geneva convention.
Interestingly, the design sketches reveal some similarities of what was going on at Audi, with Halda rallye-computer, two levers for differentials operation, and some of the light weight materials was appearing on later Audi Sport builds with the kevlar-aramid as example.
This unique car was at some point aquired and given to Audi Tradition, and has at times been seen at Museum Mobile’s paternoster.